Embeded Realities and Codes of Perception

Good COP - Bad COP or Reality Vs. Perception
By Radix

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 Stereograms are a great visual tool of how other dimensions, frequencies & realities can co-exist encoded & embedded within our own " This is All There Is " exterior / interior 3D reality experience. This is the nature of embedding enforamtion or the layering of enformational realities in a Holographic Information Matrix HIM. It is also similar as to how symbols & words as a form of code with layered meanings are used in our society without the slightest comprehension by the general public. The best place to hide something is out in the open, but that's another story.

Most of the time we are only aware of the apparent surface reality of our 5 senses in which we have been trained to view & understand. Our language plays a big part in how we codify, relate & solidify our perceptions of the 3D plane. Water, lakes, ocean & fish are a great metaphor for describing how different layers of reality, worlds & beings can co-exist on levels of the same existence within this planet & universe. Lets take the aquatic world of fish for example.

Fish live in a water filled world of a different order & existence. Fish aren't even aware that they are in water because they move through it & it is moving through their lungs, just like we move through this so called empty space full of air. Fish are completely unaware of the surface world of human activity, animals & other beings all around them. Yet we are here co-existing on another dimensional level within the same world. We are 70% water yet we & they are worlds apart, yet right next door. We can see into & enter their domain & dimension but they can't exist in ours except as pets. They don't prey on us for food, we use them.  Just because another dimension is some what out of reach perceptually does not mean it is not accessible. This allegory is also demonstrated in Plato's Parable of the Cave.

3D Reality Is An Illusion
 Reality as an illusion does not mean that our 3D world does not exist! "Illusion" simply means "Appearance". We are having an experience of appearances, like a simple optical illusion but on a more sophisticated scale.

The images below - while limited to the visual modality - illustrate that perception is an active construction of the mind rather than a valid representation of objective reality. Just like in these optical illusions we only maintain perspective of one thing or another, it is very difficult to be aware of all of the different images at the same time. Reality is a matter of perspectives ! Reality is Plural!

 Faces or Vases?

There are 9 figures embedded above

We exist in a universe of informational energy or energy as encoded information: "Enformation". Our brain is interpreting this enformation into a 3D interactive hologram inside our heads.  Science will tell you that our nervous system & brain receives hundreds of billions of signals from our energy filled environment every second. Yet somehow we filter out 97% of that information to make a limited reality construct that we some how have convinced our self's that the 3% is all there is. What if you could know & perceive 5% 20%, 30%, 50% ? How strange do you think the world around us would be? The fact of the matter is the world we perceive is in part a limited interpretation of the human mind. How more wonderful, mysterious & limitless could we all be? What is holding us back from utilizing this potential of enformation? Reality is a con of the senses & we accept the conformity of our consensual belief systems because we are conditioned to do so.

REALITY IS PLURAL ~ Realities of Enformation
Another way to understand this idea of reality as code & perspective is go to "View" in your browser right now, click "page source" that code you see is what enables you to have the familiar sensory interactive Web experience. Whether you realize it or not you Body/Brain/Mind Complex ( BBMC) is acting like a organically advanced web browser in an informational energy matrix ( more on this later). The influx of signals we receive every second is enormous, yet the BBMC only chooses a fraction of them for the interpretation experience we call normal awareness & consciousness in the 3D Five sense world of the status quo reality tunnel. Being able to change ones view points, thoughts & perspective can help to obtain a wider perspective of consciousness from which to perceive the many layers of reality we all exist in. The Status Quo society or dominate culture has it's rules, traditions, taboos & laws against other modes of perception, these are what we call the COPS. Perception & awareness is an electro-chemical selection process in which reality hertz ( Hz ) that is why we have COPS  ; ). The BBMC is on one level / layer a electro-chemical crystalline mobile intelligence unit operating under certain COPS. We are conditioned & programed since birth by the culture we live in as to how & what we are able to perceive & the accepted limits of our awareness and expression. Ridicule not reason is the tool of the tyrant in the war on consciousness & reality selection.

Using A 3D stereogram to shift & form into a new perspective is a great way to demonstrate the multilayer reality construct. One really "Gets" the nature of embedded realities. Seeing them may take some patience & practice but once you do, the "Oh Wow!" factor becomes apparent & you can always do it.

Realities & the Enformation Matrix Are All A Matter Of Perspective !

The Hidden World Of 3D Stereograms

A steroegram is a picture within a picture. Hidden inside each picture is an object which appears in 3D when viewed correctly.

To see hidden 3D images cross eyes slightly & look at middle point of image.

Click on Image For Larger View

Copyright 2010 Gene Levine, all rights reserved

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Use Full Screen / Best View

To see 3D effect cross eyes slightly & look at middle point of image

Let Us Consider The Possibilities

~ Stereograms For Meditation ~

Viewing 3 D Stereograms you:

Learn how to shift your consciousness so your mind is able to work differently to perceive the reality that's embedded inside the pixel pattern of a stereogram.
Explore your mind by entering a meditative state of consciousness.
Realize that your mind acquires a new ability- getting a little bit closer to being able to understand more about our existence and gaining extrasensory perceptions.
Master your concentration in a way necessary to be able to explore abilities of your mind. 


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